Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Political Cartoon 10

This political cartoons deal with what many believes to be America’s never ending involvements in other nation’s affairs. In the picture, we have Uncle Sam banging on a set of congas. To be exact there’s three congas in the picture. The first one has the words Afghanistan written on it. It seems like Uncle Sam already made music using the first conga to the point where it its completely burnt out. Right on top of that same conga we have a cloud of dark smoke with the word “war” on it. The second conga has the word Iraq written on it. This conga is just as the first one with the only exception that on the surface one must bang on the letter WMD are on it and that it is bit a larger than the first conga. The third and last is the largest out of the three. This conga has Iran written on it. On the op surface NUKES is written. This cong is also the one Uncle Sam appears to be getting ready to bang on.  On the floor next to that conga, there’s Uncle Sam’s hat on the floor. He hat seems to be filled with money, and right next to it there’s a sign that reads “WAR BORROWING.” We also have two cymbals on the floor that Uncle Sam seems to have completely disregarded. One of the Cymbals has the word Libya on it and the other has Syria written on it. To finish it all the cartoonist has the following statement in quotations “Stop me if you’ve heard this one…”
This cartoonist took the time to really convey a message in this cartoon. It’s hard to say what political party he would most likely support. I think he/she criticizes both parties in this cartoon for this topic is one that they share similar views on for the most part. The first Conga representing Afghanistan is obviously representing the US war with Afghanistan. The second one represents the US war with Iraq in search of Weapons of Mass Destruction, hence the words WMD on the surface of it. The third conga is the most interesting one. This conga has yet to be beaten on, which clearly deals with the fact that US hasn’t declared war on Iran. Things are just a bit hostile between the US and Iran right now, especially with its involvements in the Israel Palestine issue. The fact that Iran has Nukes written on its surface is clearly making reference to all the talk that there has been about Iran and how a lot of nations are keeping an eye on them because of their development in nuclear equipment. Syria and Libya are on the floor because these two countries although in great distress failed to or barely receive any form of military intervention from the US. This cartoon is extremely ironic because as we know in Syria there is what we all can call genocide and the US refuses to step in. But in these three countries, I think the cartoonist is trying to imply that we go for all the wrong reasons.

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