Sunday, January 22, 2012

This week with George Stephanopoulos- January 22nd 2012

In this episode, they invited Rick Santorum. Rick who just finished third in South Carolina is feeling a lot of pressure from conservatives. In the past 3 primaries/caucuses, three different winners have emerged; Santorum, Romney, and now Gingrich. When George asked Rick about him dropping out and encouraging his voters to suppory either Romney or Gingrich, he stated that he doubts that the conservative voters can really identify with either Romney and Gingrich. This is interesting for me to watch, for I have never seen a political party such as the Republicans who was subdivided like this. I also don't think Santorum should drop out of the race, i strongly think he has a chance. If anything I think Gingrich should drop out before Santorum does. I also think the race will probably come down to the following: Romney and Santorum ffighting for republican votes, Ron Paul deciding to run as an independent, and Gigngrich bein involved in a scandal forcing him to drop out.

Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace- January 8th 2011

 In this particulay episode, Chris Wallace had Debbie Wasserman Schultz as his guest. For those of you that don't really know who she is, Debbie is the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. One of the first thing Debbie was asked, was why the Democratic party dedicated a large part of its resources to attacting Romney and only Romney in the GOP field. As an answer, Debbie stated that they are attacking Romney because he spends a large part of his campaign depicting Obama as a horrile leader when the reality is that Obama has done a more than great job at helping the economy. Then Chris and Debbie go on to argue about who's fault it was exactly for the lay offs at Bain and the ones at Solyndra. Debbie argued that the president is in no way responble for Solyndra, where Romney is the one to blame for he was CEO of Bain.  This went on for a while. This is important becaus eit shows that the Democratic party is already dedication time to put out ads about Romney and his flip floping style, which is not good for Romney so early on in the race.

Face the Nation- January 1st 2012;contentBody
 In this episode of Face The Nation Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, was invited to discuss matters of pertaining to his fathers canpaign and the upcoming Iowa caucus. When Rand was questioned about is father's political standing at the moment he stated that his father's campaign like many of the others has days where he finds himself being the front runner and other days when he is not. Nevertheless this does not mean that he will not win any of the primaries or caucuses. He later goes on to state that his father is the most capable for winning independent votes, which he deemed EXTREMELY significant since it is commonly believed that one cannot win a general election with just Republican votes. His father is also the nost practical when it comes to war affairs. Rand claims that all the other candidates are apt to say bomb this or war on that, but the reality is that after 10 years most americans would prefer to not engage in anymilitary actions. Rand's statements about his father being able to gain independent votes is one that clearly helps his campagn for peopel constantly question if the candidate could defeat Obama.

The McLaughin Group- December 25th 2011

In this episode of The McLaughin Group, they addressed a very important question, what do people expect from the presidential candidate in the 2012 election? This they answered by addressing some key points. First was the matter of whether the people would view the candidate as being on their side. Then it was the people's vision in society and whther they will give you the opportuunity to attain that visison or simply prevent it from hapenning. Then is wheter or not that candidate has the necessary narrative to have a successful campaign. With the narrative, they go on to discuss how none of the candidates have the necessary narrative to evoke excitement like Brack did in 2008. With my last statement, i am inclined to ask whether the number of voters turning out n the general election won't decline since there lacks exictment. Even with Barack running again, i feel like the numbers will drop drastically since his message doesnt really target young people and that he is already known.

State of The Union- December 18th

In this episode of State of the Union Jon Huntsman was invite to discuss some of the mix messages that have been going around about him being not conservatibe enough, or not capable enough to lead. In response to those statements, Jon Stated that he is confident that he will most definitely win NH. He then goes on to state that he is a real conservative. Unlike thsoe candidates that flip flop on issues, one could look at his history and see the level of experience  he ha sas well as his consistency. With more and more of the candidtes being paired up in terms of their views, one can say the Jon is doing a pretty good job at not being paired up with another and still remaining in the lime light in a positive way.

Meet The Press- December 11th 2011

On this episode of meet the press, Ron Paul was invited to the show to share som of hsi views about Speaker Gingrich. Paul criticized Gingrich for having accepted money from Freddie Mac. He calle dteh act immoral and stated that the public needed an apology from Gingrich. When he was asked about who he belived was teh most conservative out of Bachmann and Romney, he stated taht to him they were both the same. He could not comprehend why they would be viewed as most conservatives since tehy both flip flop now and there. But when he was questioned about why he went after Gingrich and not the others for doing so, he stated that Gingrich simply "rubbed people the wrong way." This is extremely important here, for we now have Ron Paul calling Romeny more dipomatic than Gingrich. This to me exemplifies how a lot of this particular debates aren't necessarly about policy, but more about politics and character. In supporting those candidates, one must ask themselves which will allow them to have a victory in the general election, character or policy?

Santorum, not Romney actually won Iowa.
As it turns out, Rick Santorum won the Iowa Caucus by a  total of 34 votes. This is a bit shocking for on the 4th, Romney emerged as the winner of the caucus with a lead of 8 votes. This, leads me to question in what ways did this really impact Santorum campaign. Being that he didn't win NH, could it have been that winning Iowa would have been a major factor in his campaign. I am pushed to ask whether, that would've allowed for Ron Paul to win NH instead of Romney.

Huntsman withdraws from the race, but sends message to other candidates.
Jon Huntsman withdraws from the GOP race. This to me is a great lost. Huntsman had all the necessary components to be a strong opponent against Obama. He was well informed in foreign affair and all other areas he needed experience for in order to qualify as a great opponent. Unfortunately, he started his campaign too late, and he was never really capable to raise the amount of money necessary to go up against his rivals. But i personally think that what caused him the greatest harm was his reluctance to campaign in Iowa as he should've. That caused him to be out of the lime light and for his campaign to loose great momentum. That also hindered him in NH and eventually now he is dropping out. But what's also important is the message he is sending to the rest of teh candidates. After saying he pledged his support to Mitt Romney, he asked for all the candidates to stop going at it against each other so much and to focus instead on how to defeat Obama. He claims Obama is inciting a class war in the country, which he sates should not happen.

Ron Paul's next move.
After finishing second in the NH primary. Ron Paul is getting ready to take on the other states. In order to do so his campaign really gotta step their game up, and they seem on the right track. Ron Paul plans to gain the Hispanics votes in the upcoming states. Most importantly Nevada and Florida. In Nevada over 9% of the voters are Hispanics. If Ron Paul manages to gain those votes along with that of the independent and more moderate voters, he could secure himself a win. In working with Spanish and English newspapers, Ron Paul is getting himself out  there in these communities. Paul currently has the highest percentage of  Spanish Voters among the GOP Candidates. He is basically the only one to really have a strong campaign aimed towards them. This might be key in giving him the opportunity to win the remaining states.

Mitt Romney wins NH. His 2nd win.
Well well well, another win for Romney. But this time its with a big lead. Romney won Iowa with a little over 40% of the votes. This as we know is a major factor since McCain defeated him with only a 5  to 7% in the primary before the last presidential election. Romney defeated Ron Paul this year with a more than 10% margin. Where most people expected Ron Paul to win without difficulty, Romney surprisingly defeated him.This is significant because now Romney has won the first two Primary/Caucus event. This is a major event, for we rarely see this take place. If Romney wins South Carolina, it will make it extremely harder for anyone to come up and be bale to win.

Romney Wins!!!
Most people as of this morning learned that Romney won the Iowa Caucus with a less than 10 votes ahead of Rick Santorum. As we know Santorum and Romney are in the lead as of this morning. This I find rather surprising for the two candidates are very different. Santorum is an extreme conservative as far as I am concerned, and Romney is my liberal republican. His victory is a good one, for i clearly favor him over the other GOP candidate. So i am really glad to see him in the lead. His ideologies and views on most of the issues are to me the most practical. But that poses the question about what it means for both of them. For Romney it means that his campaign has improved, yet that he still needs to do be better in order to secure all future wins. For Santorum, it means that he has to step up his game when dealing with his campaigning in order to get more people out and about to recruit more voters. 

Unpredictable Winner for Caucus tomorrow
As we are less than a day away  from the Iowa Caucus , it is still really hard to predict who will be the clear winner. This as we know is the first time in years that this caucus as been so unpredictable. Besides Bachmann, i really think everyone stands a legit chance in winning the caucus. Whoever wins, as we know stands a very strong chance in winning the GOP, for Iowa gives the winner momentum in the overall race. So tomorrow we will know for sure who the winner is. It should be an interesting event.

Bachmann Vows to stay in. But can her campaign really pull it off?
Today Bachmann stated that she would remain in the race even though her campaign just lost another major staff member. Early, Bachmann lost her Iowa state chairman Senator Ken Sorento to one of her rivals Ron Paul. This was a major blow to her campaign, and now she must endure another one. Anyone taking a quick look at her campaign can obviously see that there is no way, NO WAY ON EARTH, that she really stands a chance in this primary contest, let alone the presidential race. Bachmann lacks the ability to really attract voters. She comes off as cold and extremely conservative. Extremely conservative as we know is not always a good thing so early on in the race. For as the process drags out it will make it difficult for her to get back into a position that's moderate enough to attract most voters. The problem as stated above is a combination of chaotic campaigning and inability to really connect with the voters.

Gingrich and Rommeny off the VA ballot.
Newt Gingrich along with Mitt Romney both failed to submit their required 10,000 valid voters' signature in order to be on the VA ballot for their Primary. This is a significant factor because it portrays a lack of organization in these two campaigns. With these two candidate slowly rising their way to the top, it is critical that they are capable to attain as much support as needed to reach the top. While Romney could take a hit such as this, Gingrich will probably be the one to get hurt the most by this factor. Gingrich as we know is under the radar due to his multiple marriages and the fact that he has not been a  strong debater. Where Romney could manage to maintain the spotlight in a debate, Gingrich struggle to do so.

Could Ron Paul's voters hurt the Primary contest?
In this article from the POLITICO,  the authors address how Ron Paul's supporters could probably hurt the primary/caucus process. This article unlike many addresses something that many people overlook. Ron Paul is known for attracting a series of independent voters along with the more moderate conservatives. This is not necessarily a good thing since these voters are more likely to vote democrat once comes the general election. We need to realize that maybe Ron Paul is better off running a s an independent. Him running as a Republican Candidate harms not only his campaign but the overall Republican party as a general. As a Republican it makes it a bit more difficult for him to acquirer sufficient democratic votes in order to really stand  chance. The Republican Party as a general will be hurt because they will loose a large amount of voters in the general election.  

Is Iowa's role too influencial in being the first to hold the Caucus?
According to this article from the New York Times, Iowa as the first state to hold a caucus is an inaccurate representation of the state the nation is in overall. This the author claims is a major factor since the Iowa usually plays a major role in defining the campaigns of many of the candidates.Even when these candidates address the most important factor such as the economy, it fails to clearly portray the current state of the nation as a whole since the unemployment rate there is relatively small compared to most of the country. This in some way pushes the candidate to discuss topics that will push them to be more conservative such as immigration and abortions right.Well with this being said, one must question how accurately Iowa's caucus reflect the nation's view of  the GOP candidate?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Newt Gingrich on inner city schools and poverty

      In an article from Albuquerque, New Mexico the author addresses how Gingrich views on poverty and schools in the inner city. According to the article, a little less than a month ago at a speech Newt delivered at Harvard University. In his speech he stated that perhaps the best way to break the cycle of poverty is to have  a lot of these kids develop a work ethic. In his example he described their work as that of a cleaning job. This is extremely significant, for it demonstrates how Newt is capable of putting his foot in his mouth easily. It is important for Newt to be extremely careful about a statement such as that one. Those statements will cause him to loose voters to Barack if he is indeed the one to make it to the general election,. Newt will also have to step up his game. He needs to get better during the debates and he also needs to to have his political advisers do a better job when it comes to damage control. Lastly, this area where this article is from is a swing state, and the article i believe might clearly portray why he needs to be more careful. 

Hermain Cain Out

              In this particular article from a newspaper in  Juneau, Alaska, the author addresses all the factors that caused Hermain Cain to be forced to drop out of the GOP race. The author contributes the factors to the fact that as a black republican, Cain was unable to attain enough minority votes to really stand a chance against candidate such as Romney or Gingrich. Polls had him in the low 20% in the views of Latinos and Blacks. Among women in these groups it went as low as 2%. Apparently for a lot of these groups education and the economy were top priorities and Cain failed to address them the right way. And to make matters even worst he is involved in a sexual harassment scandal. It seems to me that his fall out was inevitable. Alaska is known for being more Republican with a libertarian insight. This is clearly a factor when we deal with who they will be most likely to vote for in the general elections. Candidates in the Republican field will have to address a very touchy subject with them ,"oil" and "drilling". Anyone who fails to clearly present a favorable viewpoint will probably loose Alaska's vote. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Hampshire's politicos

There's a lot to consider right with this article from New Hampshire. The first major one is the fight for New Hampshire to remain the first state to hold a primary. This we know is key because the first two states often predict which candidates are most likely to succeed. The second is the fact that  activist such as the AFP in New Hampshire are already out and about campaigning for the candidate that share their common goals. With New Hampshire being more of a moderate state this kind of campaigning is necessary. There will not be an early endorsement based on what their leader states. It won't be until the presidential campaign that they will openly endorse a candidate. That shows that even among activist their exist a chance for their preference to shift in term of the general election. Lastly the article addresses how it is believed that their will be an increase in the number of Democrats  in the House. Considering all these factors, I can only finish off with this for my readers. What happens if the members of the AFP decide on a candidate of the primary but then decide to vote for Barack in the general election?

Networking in the 2012 Election

 According to the article, networking in the 2012 election needs to be combination of both new and old techniques. One of the key factors in Obama victory in 2008 was how effective his campaign was in using cutting edge tools to communicate and raise money. This kind of technique needs to be used in the 2012 election by the GOP nominee to successfully tackle Obama. However they must still be able to assemble little groups of voter using old techniques. This proved key for Mike Huckabee on caucus nights as more people came out to support him. Personally I think for any GOP candidate to really win against Obama, they'll have to really go all out with their campaign. For Obama's political consultant seemed to have mastered all aspects of campaigning, and with his outstanding abilities to debate and deliver speeches the fight is an even bigger one.