In this particulay episode, Chris Wallace had Debbie Wasserman Schultz as his guest. For those of you that don't really know who she is, Debbie is the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. One of the first thing Debbie was asked, was why the Democratic party dedicated a large part of its resources to attacting Romney and only Romney in the GOP field. As an answer, Debbie stated that they are attacking Romney because he spends a large part of his campaign depicting Obama as a horrile leader when the reality is that Obama has done a more than great job at helping the economy. Then Chris and Debbie go on to argue about who's fault it was exactly for the lay offs at Bain and the ones at Solyndra. Debbie argued that the president is in no way responble for Solyndra, where Romney is the one to blame for he was CEO of Bain. This went on for a while. This is important becaus eit shows that the Democratic party is already dedication time to put out ads about Romney and his flip floping style, which is not good for Romney so early on in the race.
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