Sunday, January 22, 2012

Huntsman withdraws from the race, but sends message to other candidates.
Jon Huntsman withdraws from the GOP race. This to me is a great lost. Huntsman had all the necessary components to be a strong opponent against Obama. He was well informed in foreign affair and all other areas he needed experience for in order to qualify as a great opponent. Unfortunately, he started his campaign too late, and he was never really capable to raise the amount of money necessary to go up against his rivals. But i personally think that what caused him the greatest harm was his reluctance to campaign in Iowa as he should've. That caused him to be out of the lime light and for his campaign to loose great momentum. That also hindered him in NH and eventually now he is dropping out. But what's also important is the message he is sending to the rest of teh candidates. After saying he pledged his support to Mitt Romney, he asked for all the candidates to stop going at it against each other so much and to focus instead on how to defeat Obama. He claims Obama is inciting a class war in the country, which he sates should not happen.

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