This cartoon is titled "Romney Super Tuesday." In the cartoon we have Romney taking part in what seems to be a track & field race. In the race there are a series of hurdles that he must jump over. However we only see three and each have writing on them. The First that he jumps over has Arizona written on it. The second has Michigan. The last one, which he didn't jump over yet, has SUPER TUESDAY written on it.The hurdle for Super Tuesday, unlike the others, is much much much higher. As a matter of fact, in the cartoon it is at a point where Romney appears a bit minuscule next to it. As Romney already jumped over the first two hurdle, he is drawn looking up at third hurdle and stating "I think I am going to need a bigger bounce."
I think the cartoonist is trying to address a few things with this cartoon. The first will have to be Romney's victories. Throughout this primary process, Romney's campaigned has continued to gain momentum with the number of state primaries he won. Many believe that super Tuesday won't be too different.The Cartoonist obviously does not think so. For he made Arizona and Michigan as hurdles were Mitt jumped, but not too too high. I think that has to do with the fact that Romney won these states with a margin that wasn't too large, or a margin that didn't allow him to get too comfortable in this race. The fact that the cartoonist has Mitt stating that he will need a much bigger bounce illustrates how there is some skepticism about him winning big super Tuesday along with the fact that he will need to do a great deal of work to have a chance at winning.
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